Fast Turns at Precision Job Shop
No matter what the assignment — from a fast-turn replacement part to a long-term prototyping project, Monsees Group focuses on providing customers with a highly manufacturable part that meets expectations, while doing everything possible to drive down manufacturing costs and reduce lead times. The company’s CAM capabilities play a pivotal role in these efforts.
Quick Facts
- Product Used: Mill, Lathe, Design, Multiaxis
- Industry: Aerospace & Defense, Tool & Die, Job Shop

Project Details
- The Challenge: Eliminate CNC machining operations and reduce cycle times.
- The Solution: Mill, Lathe, Multiaxis, Design, Dynamic Motion
- Benefits:
- Easy to learn and use.
- Simulation quickly detects interferences for safe machining.
- Powerful Mill-Turn and Multiaxis functionality.
- Responsive support from nearby reseller.
- Dynamic Motion™ Technology improves cycles and reduces tool wear.
No matter what the assignment — from a fast-turn replacement part to a long-term prototyping project, Monsees Group focuses on providing the customer with a highly manufacturable part that meets its expectations, while doing everything in its power to drive down manufacturing costs and reduce lead times. The company’s CAM capabilities play a pivotal role in these efforts.
For the complex work, they use Mastercam® exclusively, working from computers stationed within five feet of the machines. Programmer/machinists have access to 17 CNC machines in all, including multiple wire EDMS, mills, lathes, and a variety of mill/turn and 5-axis equipment.

Monsees Group has numerous networked Mastercam licenses, including seats of Mill, Lathe, Multiaxis, and Design. Programmer/Machinist, Scott Alexander said, “We have found that the drawing aspect of Mastercam has improved so much that there is rarely a need for the other design software.”
President, Jason Spurling, who does the quoting, frequently uses drawings made in Mastercam Design to create subtle changes that could improve manufacturability (and reduce lead times and costs) without altering the functionality of the part in question. Keeping them in the Mastercam environment helps move the approved design changes into the CAM process fluidly.
Two CAM strategies Monsees Group uses consistently on every job include looking for opportunities to eliminate operations and reducing manufacturing cycle times. This equipment is by far the most heavily used in the shop. “We used to have just lathes, and now with the multiaxis and dual spindles, a lot of parts come off the machine completely finished, and we don’t have to touch them” Spurling said.

Along this line of reasoning, Monsees Group’s 5-axis machining center has become the most productive CNC system in the shop, frequently eliminating five or more operations. Scott Alexander has become very adept at programming to the point that he can get a part started in its roughing cycle and, while the machine is running, write the finishing operations. He routinely uses simulation in Mastercam to ensure that the code generated is correct, and that the next multiaxis operations will run safely, without interruption.
Over the past five years, this lean company has grown by 30%. Jason Spurling is now looking at the acquisition of more skilled people, high-end equipment, and beefed up marketing efforts to accelerate the pace of growth in its specialized niche.
Customer Quote:
“When we need to create efficient programs for complex, high-precision parts, Mastercam is what we use. Its surfacing capabilities make it almost easy to transform complex models into mill/turn and multiaxis programs. Mastercam Design is as easy to use as our high-end CAD program, and it has features that make model prep and work-holding solutions design faster and easier. Once the part is on the machine, toolpaths based on Dynamic Motion technology are reducing cycles by 25% on average and helping our tools last about six times longer.”
Jason Spurling, President, Monsees Group, Rochester, New York