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Mastercam Education Summit 2019 Featured Collaboration and Access to Training

July 2, 2019 (Tolland, CT) – The second annual Mastercam Education Summit was held at CNC Software, Inc. headquarters June 25–27. CNC Software develops Mastercam, the leading CAM software used in schools and industry around the world. During Education Summit 2019, educators from various regions of North America gathered for three days of presentations, industry discourse, networking, and hands-on training.

Attendees at 2nd Annual Mastercam Education Summit

Mastercam Education Summit 2019 kicked off with introductions and remarks from Mancini and President and CEO Meghan West, followed by tours of CNC Software headquarters led by Mastercam founders Mark and Brian Summers. The three-day summit included sessions about training, marketing, and more.

A highlight was the introduction of a new project-based learning curriculum available at no charge to educators called the Mastercam Quick Part Series. A demonstration of one of these projects, an acoustic amplifier, was part of the training offered at the three-day summit.

Mastercam is the most widely used CAM software worldwide, according to CIMdata, an independent global research authority. “With this high level of market penetration, we have a responsibility to education that we take very seriously. Our company has a dedicated educational department that takes an active role in promoting technical education on a global scale, and it’s a dedication shared by everyone in our organization,” shared West.

Mancini detailed, “Mastercam is resolute in our support for the educational community, and not just in technical schools. Of course, we work to help teachers and initiatives driving the development of skilled labor, but we also focus on getting all students introduced to CAM by making it affordable and convenient to use in technical and non-technical schools alike, beginning as early as middle school.”

One additional focus of the summit was to help instructors find affordable ways to inspire students to take an interest in CAD, CAM, engineering, and manufacturing. Mastercam partners with several organizations, like WorldSkills and SAE International, and sponsors participation in numerous competitions with free software and support.

West concluded, “As an advocate for manufacturing, I know the social and economic benefits available to students that study Mastercam. Manufacturing skills open doors around the world. That’s a big reason why Education Summit is so important, because it’s an opportunity for direct feedback and firsthand connection with teachers who are making an enormous contribution to their communities. We are so proud to support their efforts.”

To learn more about CIMdata, visit To learn more about Mastercam’s commitment to education, visit