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Design icon 设计

Mastercam 设计模块是一种计算机辅助设计工具,通过一套强大的 CAD 工具简化即便是非常复杂的零件设计。 该软件包括在 Mastercam 的 CAM 解决方案套件中。 它也可以作为独立产品使用。


从在导入模型上修复缺陷,到为机床上的工件夹具创建夹具等,这款强大的 CAD 软件包括建模和刀具准备,让 CAM 编程人员能够将零件快速装卸到机床上。

  • CAD 综合平台。
  • 直接建模、文件导入功能和模型准备。
  • 支持生产效率的 CAD for CAM。

我们的整合 CAD for CAM 软件的显著优势是能够从几乎所有计算机辅助设计源导入文件。
Mastercam 包括大量的 CAD 模型导入器,因此无论模型是在哪里创建的,都可以根据您的加工需要导入和修改。

  • Mastercam 可以读取以下文件上的 CAD 文档: ASCII、CADL、DWG、DXF、EPS、IGES、Inventor(IPT、IDW、IAM)、KeyCreator 文件(CKD)、Parasids、Rhino 3 DM、SOLIDWORKS(SLDPRT、SLDASM、SLDDRW)、SAT(ACIS Solid)、Solid Edge(PAR&PSM)、SpaceClaim 文件(SCDOC)、 STEP、STL 和 VDA。
  • 可使用专业数据转换器读取源自 UG/NX、COROPLUS®、Creo 和 CATIA™ 的 CAD 文件。
  • 完整的 3D CAD 模具设计。
  • 导入、创建和操作线框、曲面、STL 和实体数据。
  • Mastercam 浮雕使其能够处理包括 JPG、TIFF 和基于光栅图像的文件,并根据用户偏好创建 3D 浮雕。
man wearing a headset typing on a desktop computer




强大的 CAD 功能



在模型准备功能区上的这套工具可以修改没有编辑历史的实体。 可以选择实体的一个端面修改其长度,也可以修改圆角的半径或将其全部删除。 可以选择凸台或型腔并对其进行移动、复制或完全删除它们。




包括创建和编辑直线、弧线、样条曲线和点所需的所有功能。 除 2D 图形制作外,3D 功能还提供无限的灵活性,可以轻松创建所需的几何图形。


曲面建模是创建、编辑和显示形状的极佳方法,从简单的旋转曲面到复杂的有机形状,都可以用其实现,而这是采用线框很难达到的。 Mastercam 为您提供了一套强大的曲面设计工具,可以直接控制工件的每个细节。


试用全球先进的 CAM 软件。 免费下载 Mastercam Demo/Home 自学版。 使用它来学习 Mastercam,并熟悉从 CAD/CAM 编程到实际加工零件的每个步骤!


我们的 Mastercam 渠道合作伙伴拥有面向全球不同国家/地区、制造目标和语言要求的多年实践经验,以确保您作为 Mastercam 用户始终可以获得所需的支持,以便让您可以充分利用您对 CAD/CAM 投资。


允许您从最简单的线框草图构建模型,直到编辑您所需效果的模型。 这些功能可创建单个操作的连续历史记录,便于根据需要编辑,并自动更新下游操作。 这些功能为将来的更改提供极大的灵活性。


案例研究 View all

CADET at Kent Theodore Roosevelt High School

High School Promotes Hands-on Introduction to CNC and Machining Careers Computer Aided Design and Engineering Technologies (CADET) is one of 26 College Tech Prep Initiatives available to students at Kent Theodore Roosevelt High School in Kent, Ohio, under Ohio’s Six-District Educational Compact. The Compact engages nearly 25,000 students in rigorous, project-based courses designed to prepare them for…

Central Connecticut State University

CAD Software Inspires Creation of Student-Designed Rover Vehicle For thousands of aspiring engineers, the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge is the highlight of their student careers. High school and college teams are invited to design, build, and test technologies that enable rovers to operate in harsh environments. Hosted by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, the…

Mastercam 社区

当您选用世界上广泛应用的 CAM 时,您获得的好处远远超过驱动我们软件的技术。 由 Mastercam 用户、专家、教育工作者和爱好者组成的全球社区可以帮助您从投资中获得高回报。


Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software is used in design to produce prototypes and production parts. Using a software like Mastercam, parts that are created in design software are prepared for machining. The CAM software generates the toolpaths that control a CNC machine to cut or 3D print parts to the specifications of the design.


From design through the manufacturing process, CAD and CAM increase productivity with digital solutions that help designers apply their creative and technical expertise. The limits of what CAD can be used to design is truly the human imagination.


CAD/CAM software is used in the design industry because the technology enables rapid prototyping and iterative design processes. Using CAD/CAM, you could reach a production run in the time it once took to create blueprints.


CAD/CAM software is used in product design to bring digital flexibility and automation to design and manufacturing processes. The use of these technologies brings speed and efficiency to product design that can reduce the barrier to the market and improve the chances of successful market introduction as a result of digital iteration and rapid prototyping.


Computer aided design software, called CAD, can be used to design everything from industrial production parts to art installations to everyday items you will find in your home. CAD is used to design parts for cars and the transportation industry, lifesaving parts and devices in the medical field, numerous components in the aerospace industry, and much more.


The design industry has been empowered by advances in CAD technology. CAD software applications provide digital tools for improved design quality, streamlined productivity, and enhanced collaboration among designers.


CAD/CAM software is used in the design industry because the technology enables rapid prototyping and iterative design processes. Using CAD/CAM, you could reach a production run in the time it once took to create blueprints.
